Projects requiring approval from VHRF Committee of Management are assessed against the following MHRF criteria:
- Significance of the place
- Need for the works
- Need for funding assistance
- Community benefit, such as preservation of historically or architecturally significant structure or increasing the public awareness of heritage matters.
Projects requiring approval from VHRF Committee of Management are assessed against the following YHRF criteria:
- Significance of the place
- Need for the works
- Need for funding assistance
- Community benefit, such as preservation of historically or architecturally significant structure or increasing the public awareness of heritage matters.
Projects requiring approval from VHRF Committee of Management are assessed against the following criteria:
Significance of the place.
- Need for the works.
- Community benefit, such as the conservation of a historically or architecturally significant place or increasing the public awareness of heritage.
- Recommendations by the Ballarat Heritage Advisory Committee.
- Additional consideration will be given to projects that encourage heritage trade skills.
Projects requiring approval from VHRF Committee of Management are assessed against the following CHRF criteria:
- Significance of the place
- Need for the works
- Need for funding assistance
- Community benefit, such as preservation of historically or architecturally significant structure or increasing the public awareness of heritage matters.
Projects require approval from the VHRF Committee of Management and are assessed against the following criteria:
- Significance of the place.
- Need for the works.
- Community benefit, such as the conservation of a historically or architecturally significant place or increasing the public awareness of heritage.
- Ability for the place and proposed works to be viewed and appreciated from the public realm.
- Alignment with the current City of Greater Bendigo Council Plan goals and priorities.
- Additional consideration will be given to projects that encourage heritage trade skills
*The Merri-bek Heritage Restoration Fund will not run for the first half of 2025. Please check back later in the year.*
Projects require approval from the VHRF Committee of Management and are assessed against the following criteria:
- Significance of the place.
- Need for the works.
- Community benefit, such as the conservation of a historically or architecturally significant place or increasing the public awareness of heritage.
- Ability for the place and proposed works to be viewed and appreciated from the public realm.
- Alignment with the current Merri-Bek City Council Plan goals and priorities.
- Additional consideration will be given to projects that encourage heritage trade skills